The New Dairy
We're stealing a page from photographer Evi Abeler's blog to share some of her new work for Misha's Dairy! Read about the still life shoot below and check out some exclusive behind the scenes shots."Quark may be new to America, but it has been a culinary tradition in Europe for centuries. From my home country Germany (quark) to France (fromage blanc), from Norway (kvarg) to Russia (tvorog). It has been a staple in my childhood and I was super excited when Misha's Dairy hired me to photograph their campaign to introduce quark to the American market.
On the team were Liz Mazzei (art director & producer), Laurie Knoop (food styling) and Mia Müller-Schöll (assistant). We had a lovely shoot at Misha's Headquarters in Manhattan with co-founcer Kamilya. You can find out where to taste and purchase their products on their blog."