Show Us Your Gross Pizza

"Here at Domino's, we don't think our inspired Domino's pizza needs the "extra" things typically done to food at photo shoots to look mouth watering. Our pizza is good enough to stand on its own." -Russell Weiner, Chief Marketing Officer Yeah, totally stands on its own, and by 'stands on its own' I mean '$75 million ad campaign.'  I can appreciate the whole play on 'truth' that Crispin Porter + Bogusky has been hired to create, even though that is more than a little oxymoronic.  If you watch the YouTube video below, clearly the entire thing was an expensive shoot in and of itself, just to come across as making fun of expensive shoots. A lot of people grumble over the whole idea of having customers submit their own photos.  "We might even use it in an ad campaign!"  This isn't about putting photographers and food stylists out of work, it is about the drawing attention to artifice of commercial food shoots in order to give off an air of 'honesty in advertising.'  Hah.  Except that all ad shoots require professionals in order to make a product look its best.  Otherwise you get submissions like this: Which is admittedly awesome, but not the kind of thing that you look at before lunch, a picture so mouth-watering that your stomach gets tied in knots (the worst part of working in this industry and a daily penance here at Big Leo).  If you want to make people hungry, give us a call and one of our stylists would be happy to collaborate. Otherwise, there is always the fallback option - nothing like a cute baby shot to show just how delicious all that coagulated grease can be: Mmmmm. Crispin has done a great job on this one, and you have to hand it to Domino's, it takes guts to admit that your pizza tastes like cardboard and that you will never again fake it for a photo shoot.  But these days, the cheese pull, while being a complex shot, is less and less common.  Gone are the days of lacquer and wax.  The vast majority of food being shot these days is the real thing.  It looks beautiful because it IS beautiful!  Picked fresh from the market that very morning by someone who has an encyclopedic knowledge of the ingredient as well as an eye for how it will look on camera.  And that is the honest truth.